Malachance (2002-2003)Movie
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Malachance( 2002-2003)
This is a new Brandon Quinn movie,Thanks Veronica for all the information.

The Directors description about the film posted on imdb: Malachance is a tale about growing up in the backyard of a mainstream society inhabited by eccentrics who claim to be normal. The story focuses on Mika, a low time and taciturn pill seller, who after a fortuitous accident on his bike, achieves a new state of consciousness. As a modern day St. Paul, he disowns his former life and seeks a new direction. He continues to hang out with his two streetwise friends Ringo and Sal as they attack the streets; fighting, hustling and chasing girls. Mika keeps searching for answers but it is the guilt of seeing Sal seriously hurt in a drug exchange that pushes him out of his hometown forcing him to redefine himself. However to become a different person one has to drain the memory. Mika has to lose himself in the streets. Rescued by a pair of homeless men with strong routines and phobias; Mika has the chance to visit the dream life he has been imagining, but only for a short time. The bills of his past life return to haunt him, reminding him that he can escape everything but himself.

Here are some pictures from the movie...thanks again Veronica